In a disappointing but not unexpected blow to the campaign to save the Marshes, the Planning Inspectorate have now accepted the 25,000 page submission from London Resort Company Holdings for examination.
The submission will now be examined, with an inquiry to take place on whether to grant a Development Consent Order. This does not need local planning permission, as it was designated a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project in 2012. The timeline is yet to be published, but local organisations will be invited to submit their comments, so keep watching for news.
At the same time, Buglife have launched a campaign to see the site designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest in its own right, alongside the SSSI that LRCH propose running an access road through, at Bakers Hole. Natural England, the government body who decide on such matters, are expected to consider this early in 2021.
Work continues to save the marshland – and our campaign is gaining supporters. Supporters who want to save the birds, invertebrates, sealife, mammals and lizards who live on the site. Supporters who value this landscape, the views, the reedbeds and the undeveloped Thames-side tranquility. Supporters with children, dogs, or who just love a quiet walk. Supporters who run businesses which are perceived as “bad neighbours” to be cleared from the site, with loss of jobs and income. Supporters who don’t want to see Swanscombe, Northfleet and Greenhithe turned from thriving small communities into rat runs or for train stations to be overwhelmed with millions of visitors a year. Supporters who are concerned about air quality and pollution in the area.
If you would like to get involved, contact us.
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